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Counterfeit brand bags will not only harm the interests of the original manufacturer, but may also cause property losses to consumers. Therefore, when buying luxury goods, you must carefully identify the authenticity. Here are some ways to spot counterfeit brand bags:
- Purchase from formal channels : Authentic brand bags are usually only sold through formal channels such as official flagship stores, counters or official websites.
- Observe the details of the bag carefully : The details of authentic brand bags are usually very delicate, while the details of counterfeit brand bags may have flaws.
- Compare prices : The price of genuine brand bags is usually higher. If the price is significantly lower than the market price, you should be wary.
- Use ultraviolet light for detection : Some brands will use special anti-counterfeiting marks on the packaging, which can be detected using ultraviolet light.
Thank you for your father's love and carefully select practical gifts that will impress your father.
The production process of crocodile leather includes steps such as skinning, drying, descaling, fleshing and degreasing, salting, desalting, thinning, acidification, tanning, stretching, dyeing, and color fixing. The role and method of each step are described in detail in the article, and key steps and techniques in the leather making process, such as descaling and stretching, are highlighted, as well as the impact of each step on the final leather quality. Provides some information on the techniques and methods of the tanning process and dyeing process, and how to ensure leather dyeing results and quality. Finally, the article analyzes the pros and cons of two different tanning techniques
It mainly introduces how to make a crocodile leather bag, starting from observing the color and grain distribution of the leather, fine-tuning the pattern and cutting material through the left-right symmetry method and the up-down symmetry method to avoid wasting leather, and trimming after the cutting is completed. Next, we will introduce how to make a handle. Use the side parts of crocodile skin to make the handle and the side of the bag, and use a round leather rope as the bulging core material to create a strong handle while emphasizing the strength of the handle. The opening seam must face the inside of the bag, so as to comply with mechanical and ergonomic principles. Viewers can learn the techniques and precautions for making crocodile leather bags through this video, and improve their leather bag making skills.
Do you want to know the craftsmanship of crocodile leather? Why is HERMES' crocodile skin so fascinating? Take you into the world of crocodile leather
Crocodile leather tanning technology introduction: agate stone polishing technology, matte technology, waxed leather technology, nappa technology, Himalayan technology, blue dyeing technology, chrome-free tanning technology, frosting technology, film technology, multiple dyeing technology and so on.
2021 boutique wallet recommended inventory
Buying a good wallet is one of the decisions in a man's life. Not only does it have to be good quality, durable and practical, but it also needs to be stylish to reflect your personality. A good wallet can contain all the above elements, just read this article carefully and start with these brands!